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Immersion mod question


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Is there a mod that when you don't eat you can starve and when you don't drink you can become dehydrated. But before you die your stamina restores slower and you have less, same with magic but only when you use it making you need to find somewhere to sleep to restore it. And make you actually need to find fire when your in the mountains and you get cold. So if someone can point to a mod that's sorta like that I'd appreciate it


Note: it just has to loosely conform to my search.

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Is there a mod that when you don't eat you can starve and when you don't drink you can become dehydrated. But before you die your stamina restores slower and you have less, same with magic but only when you use it making you need to find somewhere to sleep to restore it. And make you actually need to find fire when your in the mountains and you get cold. So if someone can point to a mod that's sorta like that I'd appreciate it


Note: it just has to loosely conform to my search.




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