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Possible Memory CTD? Unsure.


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I've been struggling to get a stable skyrim playthrough going and after hours of tweaking and trying to do it on my own, I've decided to ask for help x.x


I've started the game from several locations using ALAL (Alternative Start)


The Companions - CTD when heading towards the bannered mare.


College of Winterhold - CTD just at the town entrance from the bridge.


Dark Brotherhood - CTD walking down the road towards town.


I'm running ENB v221 and if I open the window, I crash after I've lost a noticeable amount of video ram - usually around 1925 available.




I know papyrus isn't generally too helpful but here's my latest log but I'll post my recent log if necessary.


My Specs


GTX 970


16.0 GB RAM


i7-4790K 4.00 GHZ


Windows 10


Do I have too many scripts? I have a bashed patch - I haven't cleaned a few of the mods I have, could that be an issue?

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If it is memory related, you might get help from this tool.

Cleaning your mods could be a great service to your game.


Bless you, friend. I cleaned my mods and added SSME and was able to walk through Whiterun and Solitude without crashing. Thank you :D

Edited by Majormyers1
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