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Stardew Valley

Something Broke Robin?


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Hello, I've recently got into mods for the game, but one of the mods is causing me to be unable to buy farm buildings from Robin. Whenever I click on the option, it redirects me back to the first conversation menu (i.e. choosing between shop, farm buildings, and community upgrade). I'm not sure what mod I have installed that has caused me this problem. Here's the mods I have running:

  • Auto Speed
  • Automatic Gates
  • Better Artisan Goods
  • Chests Anywhere
  • Content Patcher
  • Data Layers
  • Deep Woods (and More Deep Woods)
  • Elle's New Blue Chickens
  • Elle's New Brown Cow
  • Elle's New Horses
  • Gift Taste Helper
  • NPC Map Locations
  • Object Time Left
  • Pony Weight Loss Program
  • Rented Tools
  • Stack Everything
  • Yuriyuri's hairstyles

I know for sure that Automatic Gates, Stack Everything, and the mods for new hairstyles/animals are not what has broken the interaction. I uninstalled them and ran into the same problems.


Here's a screenshot of the error message that comes up. I'm not really sure what to do, so any help is appreciated!!


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