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A mod to prevent interchangeable armor tier mods


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Trying to figure out how to do this but I seem to be stumped. I just want to prevent armor modifications of one tier from being used on another. For example, a girded light leather mod can be removed from the light armor and placed on its heavy counterpart. I find this defeats the purpose of the Armorer perk(not completely, but greatly) and would like to make all armor mods tier-specific. Is there a mod that does this?

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It's a cool idea, but I think it would be a lot of work:


Medium leather armor is just leather armor with a medium armor mod attached. So given three tiers, you'd have to have three object mod forms for each material type (the Attach Point for boiled, girded, etc. mods is "Material"), each of which checks for the keyword added by the appropriate tier mod. I'm not sure, but it might also be necessary to modify the tier mods to check that no tier-inappropriate material mod is installed. And to make sure things are generated correctly by leveled lists, it might also be necessary to make modifications to the armor's Object Templates and/or various mod collections.

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Yeah that seems pretty involved, I thought it would be something like that. Too bad. That's why I was hoping for another mod to exist. I don't know why it was done like this in vanilla, pretty much makes Armorer only really useful for PA. Thanks.

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