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Obse Matrix Add example

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So you want the array "temp1" to equal temp2 minusminus temp3


Let temp1 := MatrixSubtract temp2 temp3


Your second attempt was nearly right, but you forgot the :=, which just means assign. Kind of like the word "to" in any Set command.

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I played around with this and found out that either the OBSE documentation or implementation is wrong.

The argumenta are switched.


The correct sintax is (scaledMatrix:array) MatrixScale scalar:float matrix:array


I wll add a note to the WIKI and post the mistake in the OBSE thread.


[EDIT] . . . and your declaration should be just: array_var Temp1

Edited by QQuix
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I played around with this and found out that either the OBSE documentation or implementation is wrong.

The arguments are switched.


The correct syntax is (scaledMatrix:array) MatrixScale scalar:float matrix:array


I wll add a note to the WIKI and post the mistake in the OBSE thread.


[EDIT] . . . and your declaration should be just: array_var Temp1


OK, that did it. Thanks.

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