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Basic model editor

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To change a texture in a NIF, you can use NIfSkope. It is fairly easy to use. Just load the nif in the program, click on the area you wish to modify. The window on the left of the screen should highlight blue on a "NiTriShape" block. You can then expand this menu by clicking the triangle next to it. Then click on where it says "NiTexturingProperty." They you should see a little purple gear looking thing. Click on that, then browse for the dds file you wish to use. You can also double click the text field next to the purple gear to enter it in manually, just make sure to start your path with /textures, not C:\program files....\bethesda... etc. It will make it unusable by win7/vista users.


You may need to download dds converter, the gimp program and the gimp dds plugin in order to make/modify textures. There are some good tutorials out there, start searching for NifSkope and Gimp tuts. If you are running blender on a lower end machine, try installing an Ubuntu partition to run it. It will run smoother in linux (its native environment).

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Well, the industry standard is 3dSmax. It is a VERY expensive program however. Some people like Maya, which is cheaper. But most amateurs use Blender. It has functionality and is free. I am going to start learning Blender, but I want to install a Linux partition to use it. The program was made for the Linux platform, then translated to Win and Mac. Personally I like Ubuntu 12 the best out of the Linux platforms I tried. Keep your Windows partition by all means tho! No Netflix on Linux. You can emulate and use Wine, but running Oblivion on Linux is difficult. I just want it for Blender. Unfortunately, 3d Studio Max is supposedly the easiest to learn, but Blender is powerful and open source (meaning people come up with additions all the time).


If you are familiar with Photoshop, the transition to Gimp can be frustrating. And vice versa. If you can learn all the tools one at a time you will be able to do anything you want. Photoshop is easy, but there are things for Gimp they will NEVER have for photoshop. It is all a matter of preference. I prefer free, open source.

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