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My Images sorting


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I find it funny when you go to another users images it descends by upload date automatically but when you go to your own images it ascends by name.

when usually what im looking for is the newest pictures ive put up to see if any one has commented on them.


I know I can click descend by upload date but I have to do that every time >,>.


would it be possible to make a preference for how our images get sorted automatically instead of ascending by name?



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Thanks for bringing this topic up Player2! :thumbsup:


I have been suggesting something similar some time ago! This is indeed important for us "screenarchers"!


I also would love to be able to set my own preferences regarding image-sorting, OR please change it back so that the default setting is "upload date - decending" like it was (and now, thank god, is when you visit the profile of other members!). Sorting by name is really not a good choice for the defaut setting!



Please Robin+Team, consider changing this > it would make lot's of people happy! :biggrin:



Kind regards, Willow

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  • 2 weeks later...
I like to post in sequences to point out interesting outcome effects caused by AI and mods. The five images never end up in the order that I post, the first image always ends up last, worse when it's a sequence of twenty. Under 'suggestions' I would recommend that Image Upload [with auto-number stamp] of Member Portfolio be permanently designed to sort oldest top, new bottom. This way Members can use their Portfolio to chronologicaly tell an image story of interesting/strange/comical things that happened in in their respective games.
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