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how can i create a standalone armor?


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In the CK, you can copy a similar item and give it a new name so that the new item exists alongside the original. Like if you modeled a new helmet, you would copy a helmet. Then you change the mesh path of the new item to point to your new mesh. You can edit the stats of the item so they are the way you want them. You can create a crafting recipe and and tempering recipe under Constructable Objects if you wish.


To get the item into the game in a way other than crafting or console code, you could place it deep in a dungeon, either loose or in a custom container you copied from an original.


Some other and more complicated approaches would be to have a script add your item to the player when the mod first loaded, add the item to a leveled list (quite conflicting) add the item to an original vendor (quite conflicting) or create a custom vendor to sell your item.

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Open your new armor object in the CK. Go to the boxes that say "Male" and "Female." Click the "Edit" boxes next to the text fields labeled "World Model." Choose your new .nif. When you have everything set up right, click the "OK" Button. Save the mod.
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