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Trying to learn papyrus/skse


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Okay some background. I know visual basic a little C and used to write scripts for Ultima Online. I'm trying to learn papyrus now. Played around with the hello world and I messed with some existing scripts. Would like to start writing things to add to the community.


I'm now trying to write a script that has the magnitude of the potion in the name. I found the magic effect alchrestoreheath. First tried to just add <mag> in the title of the form. Only showed up as <mag>, guess it only works in the item description. But I was happy I was editing the right thing. So on to scripting. Did a little research and came up with this one liner. Well two if your count the premade header.


Scriptname PotionName extends activemagiceffect

AlchRestoreHealth.GetBaseObject().SetName("Restore Health " +AlchRestoreHealth.GetNthEffectMagnitude(0))


Of course it didn't compile. I'm probably way off. There's a lot I'm questioning, can anyone help. Maybe a nice breakdown. Thnx in advance

Edited by Spinner385
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A little more detail of whats going on in my head


Scriptname PotionName extends activemagiceffect

Im not really messing with the activemagiceffect, but the form of the object it applies to. What should I be extending?


AlchRestoreHealth.GetBaseObject().SetName("Restore Health " +AlchRestoreHealth.GetNthEffectMagnitude(0))

AlchRestoreHealth - is the thing im referring to

GetBaseObject() - seemed necessary from the setname instructions (maybe not necessary)

AlchRestoreHealth.GetNthEffectMagnitude(0) - Again referring to AlchRestoreHealth trying to return its magnitude


I also believe I could add the line

Float Mag = AlchRestoreHealth.GetNthEffectMagnitude(0)

Then use mag in my setname but I was trying to be as simple as possible


The compile error I get is

(3,17): no viable alternative at input '.'

Makes me think I'm not activating something I should because it seems like its questioning my period?

Edited by Spinner385
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Okay so I believe that I must have an event for papyrus. So I'm trying OnItemAdded. GetNthEffectMagnitude is giving me trouble so I tried:


Scriptname PotionName extends activemagiceffect  

int mag = 99

Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer)
If aiItemCount > 0
	akBaseItem.SetName("Restore Health Test " + mag)

It compiled but did nothing in-game. Tried dropping and picking up and crafting new potion.

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Scriptname AAAscrivener07 extends Actor ;This script will be extending an actor, the player
Attach this script to the player. 

Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer) ;fires when ever something is added to the player
potionToBeRenamed = akBaseItem as Potion 
originalName = akBaseItem.GetName() 
Int magnitude = potionToBeRenamed.GetNthEffectMagnitude(0) as Int 	
String NewPotionName ="(" + magnitude + ")" + " " + originalName	

If (akBaseItem.HasKeywordString("VendorItemPotion") || akBaseItem.HasKeywordString("VendorItemPosion") && aiItemCount <= 0) ;Make sure the item added is in fact a potion or posion

	;If aiItemCount < 0
		If (magnitude <= 0 || none)
			akBaseItem.SetName(originalName + " (No Mag)")		
			akBaseItem.SetName(NewPotionName) ;change the name. Only works on the base form so all potions of this type will change too		
			Debug.Notification("Potion name changed to " + NewPotionName)

Event OnItemRemoved(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akDestContainer) ;fires when ever something is removed from the player

;If (akBaseItem.HasKeywordString("VendorItemPotion") || akBaseItem.HasKeywordString("VendorItemPosion"))
	Potion potionToBeUnnamed = akBaseItem as Potion

	If potionToBeUnnamed == potionToBeRenamed
		Debug.Notification("Potion name changed back to " + originalName)			

Potion Property potionToBeRenamed Auto ;the value should be left as none in the creationkit
String Property originalName Auto ;the value should be left as none in the creationkit



idk, whats that do. It might be close I havent tested it. I need a way to store the original potion name so expect wonkyness. Ill cruise by tomorrow when Im not passing out :)

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Thanks so much. I wanted to attach it to the player but I couldn't find it's object to attach it to. Was very aggravated that there is no object for crafted potions. Now I know what to look for. I knew attaching it to the magic effect was sketchy. I'll play with this again today. If I get it to work I will expand and refine it. Then I'll upload it, hope you don't mind. I'm sure others would like to know what potion they are about to chug from the 10 different ones that say restore health in the favorites menu. Again thnx very much, strangely happy to be writing code again.
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Having serious issue with GetNthEffectMagnitude(0)


This is applied to the player


Scriptname PotionRenamer extends Actor

Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer)
Debug.MessageBox("Added (" + aiItemCount + ") " + akBaseItem.getname())
float mag = akBaseItem.GetNthEffectMagnitude(0)
akBaseItem.setname(akBaseItem.getname() + " " + mag)


I tried several different things with it but I'm starting to think I can't use it this way. It seems I need to use it like this from the website:


float mag = Potion.GetNthEffectMagnitude(0)


Then how do I point it to akBaseItem? Do I need to some how pull the magic effect from akBaseItem first?

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@Scrivener: "VendorItemPosion" or "VendorItemPoison"? Just checking 'cause I know the CK has some awful spelling errors.


@Spinner: you need SKSE to use some of those script functions, I'm assuming that you have it installed?


Scriptname PotionRenamer extends Actor

Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer)
       Debug.MessageBox("[PotionRenamer]Added (" + aiItemCount + ") " + akBaseItem.GetName())

Potion myPotion = akBaseItem as Potion

;make sure that the item is in fact a potion
If myPotion != none && (akBaseItem.HasKeywordString("VendorItemPotion") || akBaseItem.HasKeywordString("VendorItemPoison"))
	float mag = myPotion.GetNthEffectMagnitude(0)
	Debug.MessageBox("[PotionRenamer]The potion has magnitude: " + mag)
       	akBaseItem.SetName(akBaseItem.GetName() + " " + mag)
	Debug.MessageBox("[PotionRenamer]The item doesn't appear to be a potion.")

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YOU FREAKING ROCK! You too scrivener!


This is what I was missing


Potion myPotion = akBaseItem as Potion


So I understand, you declared myPotion to be a Potion (as you would string, integer, or float). Then you said akBaseItem was a potion (as in the type/child of form). So now GetNthEffectMagnitude(0) recognizes the variable and its data as a potion and not just a general form?


My working script. This will be the guts of it anyway.


Scriptname PotionRenamer extends Actor

Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer)
If akBaseItem.GetType() == 46
Debug.MessageBox("Added (" + aiItemCount + ") " + akBaseItem.getname())
Potion myPotion = akBaseItem as Potion
float mag = myPotion.GetNthEffectMagnitude(0)
akBaseItem.setname(akBaseItem.getname() + " " + mag)


first order of business getting rid of all the zero's from float =]

Edited by Spinner385
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