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CTD in certain spot


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I get the feeling that WATER may cause some CTDs in certain locations, as I started experiencing a few after I installed it as well. However, I also installed ENB at the same time, so my rig was under a lot more strain than it was used to.


Personally, I love WATER, and I don't want to disable it. But if you're looking for possible suspects, I'd recommend starting there.

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It was killable lootable children. I have no idea why considering there are no children outside of Whiterun :huh: Thanks a lot for the help! :thumbsup:


Some seemingly unrelated mods can conflict in unusual ways, usually because they modify the same parameter of some seemingly insignificant script or entity. Really, the more complicated the mod, the more likely it is to disagree with others. In the case of killable children, it probably conflicts with another mod you have that changes npc behavior, causing crashes when within range of certain npcs...even ones that aren't children.


My first guess would be your killmoves mod, but it could be anything, really.


ALSO - Sounds of Skyrim is notorious for conflicting with other mods. I don't see why it would have a problem with killable children, but keep an eye on it as you add more mods.

Edited by JackNitro
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