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Find Form ID of an object


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Well, I'm not sure if you mean (A)the object doesn't display any name while you look at it or (B)you can't select it while you are in the console.


A. Open the console and click on it, copy the object reference which is displayed at the top-center of the console (ctrl + c) then, in the CK, go to Edit->Find Text, paste the reference (ctrl + v), remove the quotes and parenthesis then click on "Find Text", there will appear a result, double click on the result to show the object in the render window, now you can right click on it and, in the context menu, click on edit, "Base Object" will tell you the Form ID of this object.


B. Do the same process than in A, but select an object near of this object, when you have the object in the render window you can do the same but manually selecting the object you actually want.

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