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Strange screen darkening and white line glitch


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I just recently downloaded Skyrim off of Steam, and I've been having a weird graphics bug where white lines appear, forming grids, and the screen darkens.


I found a thread that previously addressed this here, and I'm going to steal this guy's screenshots since it's the same thing as my problem:

"Odd screen darkening and white lines"


Here's screenshots of the problem:

Screen 1

Screen 2


I've attached a DxDiag as well, for the system specs. I'm running a low-mid end laptop. Is there any known solution for this problem? I saw one post suggesting turning off shadowing altogether. Is this a safe solution?


Thanks for any help you all can give me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Unfortunately i have the same issue. I have noticed that it only happens after the 5th update. And when i set the 'fInteriorShadowDistance' in SkyrimPrefs.INI to '0.000' it goes away, but so does all the other lighting. Maybe someone knows how to fix this.



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