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Skippy mouse thingy, PLEASE READ


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(DirectX=9.0)I just bought skyrim through steam. It set the graphics too high quality automaticly. I have 10gb's of ram 1 TB of memory. 6-cores in my procesor and my graphics card is AMD Radeon HD 7450. Here is my problem. with my skyrim, the game runs smooth and normal in 3rd person or if im not moving. but if i enter 1st person the mouse movement is all skippy and bad. while its all skippy, the world runs smooth. i dont know what can be causing this. please respond asap
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Try going into your skyrimprefs.ini file (My Documents/ My Games/ Skyrim) and find the line bMouseAcceleration=1 and change the number from 1 to zero.


Not sure if that'll do it for ya, but it might.

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