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Enchanting Help


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Hey, so, I just started with enchanting, got my skill up to 50ish (a bit over), and now I want to actually put real enchants on my current gear. But, when I try to apply, say, a Fire damage enchant to my sword, it only adds 1 damage. I have the right perks in the enchanting tree. It doesn't seem to matter what soul I use as far as the damage goes... it only changes the charges if I use a grand soul rather than a petty one; the damage stays at 1. I have no idea what I am doing wrong and a lot of searching (here and Google) hasn't brought me any answers. I read that you can change the damage lower/higher to give the weapon more/less charges, but I cannot figure out how.


Any help would be appreciated.


EDIT: Nevermind, I finally figured it out. It was very obvious (just cancel the window that pops up when you select the enchantment... didn't realize it was meant to be asking me if I wanted to reduce the damage.)

Edited by MelTorefas
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