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Hiii, first newbie in CK here, so I had this Custom Hair mod and this Custom Armor mod...


I already know how to make a follower, but all the tutorials I've found only teach us to put vanilla hairs and vanilla armors... so... here is my problem:


If I wanted to make a vanilla follower... It was already done and ready for the game... but I've loaded the "CustomArmor.esp" and the "Custom Hair.esp" too... well since it's a new .esp file I'm creating there's no Active File yet...


Okay... made a Outfit for my follower to use instead of just giving armor to his inventory... with the armor, boots and gaunlets... okay... next part... made him look awesome... everything vanilla but the hair, I've choose a hair from Apachii's...


Hit Ok button... exported facegen textures with Ctrl + F4... saved it as Follower1.esp... exported again just in any case... loaded the game... okay... my follower is there... but he is Naked and with a Vanilla Hair!! D:


Where did I made a mistake? What's missing? The only clue I have is that the Follower1.esp file isn't considering the CustomArmor.esp or the CustomHair.esp as masters... and there's NO tutorial for making them Master files... I'm just a noob, but please make a girl happy!


Thx :3

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It's exactly what you think.


Unfortunately, Skyrim makes ESPs don't know about eachother. So in a esp you can't make a reference to another esp.


About the armor, instead of using the master thing (and save plugin space), just duplicate the armor pieces (remember to duplicate also the armor addons) in your esp.


Load both the armor.esp and you esp (yours as active file), right click on all the amor entries and duplicate. Do the same with armor addons.


Then save, exit, reload ONLY your plugin and rename the stuff you copied removing that ugly COPY001.


About the hair, i think they are located in Head Part (under Actor or Character, don't remember), but i'm not sure. If yes, just do like above.


If not, you have to convert the apachi esp in a fake esm.


Download Wrye Bash, read the manual and load your plugins with it. Then clicking on apachi.esp will bring the option to "esmify" the esp.

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It's exactly what you think.


Unfortunately, Skyrim makes ESPs don't know about eachother. So in a esp you can't make a reference to another esp.


About the armor, instead of using the master thing (and save plugin space), just duplicate the armor pieces (remember to duplicate also the armor addons) in your esp.


Load both the armor.esp and you esp (yours as active file), right click on all the amor entries and duplicate. Do the same with armor addons.


Then save, exit, reload ONLY your plugin and rename the stuff you copied removing that ugly COPY001.


About the hair, i think they are located in Head Part (under Actor or Character, don't remember), but i'm not sure. If yes, just do like above.


If not, you have to convert the apachi esp in a fake esm.


Download Wrye Bash, read the manual and load your plugins with it. Then clicking on apachi.esp will bring the option to "esmify" the esp.


Thank you! You've saved my life! ^_^

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