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ENB Set Ups


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Hi there, sorry if this has already ben posted but wondered if i could get some help on setting up enbs....


I currently have shapshooters enb set up on my skyrim with tatsudoshis enb ive gone onto the enbdev website and found the new 112 Kage and 113 enb set ups, (hoping they will be that little bit better, although i do like the one ive got, just wanted to try something different) if i want to use these can i just overwrite the enb files i already have in my skyrim folders and then open the launcher to set up the new settings or do i have to wait for sharpshooter to update his enb set up with the new enb from the enbdev site, sorry if its a nooby question im doing my best to learn how these things work


cheers for any help!

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