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A mod list for my freind


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This is just a list of mods i did for my buddy to get into the modding game, realy its cause i couldent fit it in a steam text, but any one can refrence this if they want to i reccomend all of these.



These are all the must have main mods i use, i have a bunch of assorted armour mods, but you can pick and choose those on your own realy.







HOLY F*CKIN s***, this makes things so much better, its a basic script mod, you can change the keys in the ini (which comes with a guide, just change them to what you want (incase some of the defaults are over keys you use for other things) and bam, a bunch of new hotkeys INCLUDING a key to remove items from your hand (ie unequip) Each hotkey has 3 possible binds to it that you can access by hitting a modifyer (i rebound mine to Right alt, and Right control, and right shift to the one that keys them both) so you hit it solo, and you get one of the binds, hit it with the first modifier, and you get the seccond bind, and hit it with the third modifyer and you get the third item you have bound. Pretty decent instructions involved, but deffinatly read them.


Once you get it set up its f***in smooth as silk mate, so much misery removed with this mod.


It requires script dragon extender which you can download from here, basicly just add what it says to add to the main program file for skyrim (not data) and dont add any of the esps, just the basic stuff and thats all you have to do. ENB also requires it.











Advanced Kill Moves




This one unlocks all the kill moves, makes it so that they split into animations for during


combat and last kill combat so you dont get assraped in the middle of a kill move, also adds


some other cool features including the ability to adjust the chance a kill move will happen.

All settings are tweakable in game.






has epic spurting arteries and s***, all kill moves or arrow kills or most kills cause the


spurrting and they bleed out for about 20 secconds




jack: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/601


This one makes it so the bodies dont fly 50 feet back when you hit them, its totaly f***in


awsome, makes the game way more brutal and realistic, allso lets you pick things up in the


game by holding the use key.


Also by db but i couldent find it cause nexus is down tonight, but look for DD NO VANILLA HIT


BLOOD DECALS PLACEMENT, its an addon to i think the enhanced blood textures mod, I would use


crimson tide over that mod, just add the esp from it that is as labled above, cause crimson


tide looks and works a lot better, spurting arteries and all.


Better Horses




This makes horseridding not retarded, it adds the ability to in game adjust the speed and the


health and such of the horse, as well as adds trampling of enemies you run over, knocking


them down.


Its biggest boon is the ability to call your horse or send it away with a one click power,


just tap the power once to get it to stop following you or tap it once to get it to follow


you or come to your location if its far away.


I use a speed increase of 150, makes getting places real f***in easy.






This is the sword pack, its an absolute must, expecialy given the gay foam look of most of


the swords in skyrim, this adds a whole f*** load of good lookin realistic swords (including


that sword from crouching tiger hidden dragon). allso has an intergration esp for


distribution throuout the world.


Realistic Water Textures and Terrain




THis adds vassstly improved water to the game, also makes it so your character when they are


in the rain or just jumped in the water get wet and drips as well... looks suprisingly good


too, no performance loss either.


Remove Ambient Interior Fog




This one removes that gay ass interior ambient fog that overlights the indoors and makes


things look all super gay and consoly. Dosent get rid of any of the real fog or myst but


makes inside look a helluva lot better. sadly dosent realy increase performance, but dosent


hurt it either.


Skyrim Scaling Stopper




This one is a must of all musts. It removes the supergay auto leveling in both characters and


items (ie having a bandit with a glass sword) basicly making it so their are tuff zones in


the game and easy ones, and you need to level up to get through the hard ones, IE it makes it


more like morrowind.


For the elimination of the item scaling alone its worth it and if you are using another


difficulty mod, you can just add the item scaling removal without the creature adjustment.


Skyrim Monster MOd




This is pretty f***in cool, still waiting on using it cause I think you have to start a new


game or the spawns are all crazy and you get mobbed but it adds 500 megs of new monsters and


such, all placed in zones that are apropriet to their kind.


ITs a collaberation mod, many collected authors in one, and is growing still, i cant wait


till i get to a point where i can realy try it but you might be there allready.






This is the big one, the one that makes skyrim look like a modern game, I dont use it cause


it drops my fps about 10 to 20 depending on what options i have.


It requiers some script stuff so follow the instructions, but it basicly adds crysis style


lighting to the game and makes it look f***in amaizing.


Only for if you gotta fairly good video card though as sadly i dont.

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Ok, so i forgot the drop the camera tweak mod, add this to your skrim.ini file in your my documents folder just after display



These are my settings, i worked a bit to get a best fit for sword play and shooting, I allways play third person so i only have my fov to 73 but you should be able to zoom out and in to find where you want to be by holding down the third person key and moving the mouse forward or back.


feel free to tweak what you want but at least this will get you started man.












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