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Female body mod with custom face (help)


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Hello modders. I would love to use Jenassa face mod by 83Willow with UNP body mod by dimon99. I would be fine with almost any other body mod cause i don't want her body to look same as every other NPCs thus applying same body mod for all female NPCs is not a solution.


I've tried to use "The Spice of Life" by Gawdzila, which creates separate mesh and texture folders for followers letting them have different bodies but it's not compatible with face mods (as the author states) but in his mod description, there is a workaround which i tried but failed to follow. Best result i've achieved was Jenassa with custom body and face from 83Willows mod but without appropriate face textures (tried different mod activation and placement order).


Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.




http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/16000 ----- face mod


http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6709 ------ UNP body mod


http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/16668 ----- The Spice of Life

Edited by DEADmetal
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I've discovered the easiest workaround to my problem. I just need a body mod *.esp to marge it with face mod *.esp in NPC Editor but I can't find body mod esp's. If there aren't any, how could I make one?


Please help.

Edited by DEADmetal
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I don't know. I wanted to do something similar.. make a custom face (a skull) to go on a male's body, but I never got a reply in my thread either. I was wondering if you had to do a custom race for something like that. I'm not even sure if there's a difference between an NPC and an animal/monster as far as the game is concerned.


Sorry I can't help.

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