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New Character - Negative Gold + Wackiness?


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Hey, for some reason when I start a new character I end up with -280 gold. Initially, I just figured I would set it back to zero by removing that gold but quickly realized something else was going wrong. Gold seems to be working in intervals of to. So, when I add 1 gold to my inventory, my gold increases by two. I have never heard of or had a weird bug like this. Has anyone had a similar issue before or may be able to check my mod list for possible issues?


Note: My first assumption was an issue with Skyrim Economics, however I still had the same issue after disabling it completely. I also tried disabling cutthroat merchants but did not change anything either. I am also using ASIS and two bashed patches doing two different things altogether, but neither of those are the immediate cause as I had just finished playing the game on another older save with the same modifications, albeit more updates. *set bold to possible related mods*


Active Mod Files:


00  Skyrim.esm
01  Update.esm
02  More Interactive Items.ESM
03  Immersive Patrols.esm
04  TravellersOfSkyrim.esm
05  Omegared99-Compilation.esm
06  Populated Cities NPCListMaster.esm
07  SkyMoMod.esm
08  WARZONES - Civil Unrest.esm
09  BlackTowerArmory.esm
0A  JSwords.esm
0B  Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esm
0C  Lycanthropy_Audio_by_Brevi.esm
0D  SoS - The Wilds.esp  [Version 1.1]
0E  FixedEyeAdaption.esp
0F  Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp  [Version 1.05c]
10  Chesko_Frostfall.esp
11  Improved Combat Sounds v2.1.esp
12  SoS - The Dungeons.esp  [Version 1.2]
13  Warmer Magic Lights v2.esp
14  Weapons and Armor fixes.esp
15  Weapons and Armor fixes - Hacks.esp
16  StaticMeshImprovementMod.esp
[b]17  Economics of Skyrim.esp[/b]
18  83Willows_101BUGS_V4_HighRes.esp
19  Back off, Barbas!.esp
1A  Better Skill and Quest Books Names.esp
1B  Bring Out Your Dead.esp  [Version 1.1]
1C  Catsofskyrim.esp
1D  ClamsDropPearls.esp
1E  Convenient Horses.esp
1F  CookingExpanded.esp
20  Crimson Tide - Blood.esp
21  dbmisc.esp
22  Death Cam (60 Seconds).esp
23  Dogsofskyrim.esp
24  Dr_Bandolier.esp
25  HarvestOverhaul.esp
26  HarvestOverhaulCreatures.esp
27  Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - RCRN Legacy.esp
28  mcCampingLite.esp
29  morevillageanimals.esp
2A  People Have Torches.esp
++  Perfect Legionnaire 3.0.esp
2B  Real Wildlife Skyrim 0.1.esp
2C  ScenicCarriages.esp
2D  SkyMoMod_lists.esp
2E  SMDropLitTorch.esp
2F  TravellersOfSkyrim - Vanilla.esp
30  Auto Unequip Arrows.esp
31  DYNAVISION Dynamic Depth of Field.esp
32  IMAGINATOR - Visual Control for Skyrim.esp
33  BlackSacramentArmor.esp
34  BlackSacramentDBreplacer.esp
35  Cloaks.esp
36  1nivWICCloaks.esp  [Version 2.0]
37  1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch.esp  [Version 0.9]
38  daedric_phelm.esp
39  Dragonbone Weapons.esp
3A  Dread Knight Weapon Set.esp
3B  Northborn Fur Hoods.esp
3C  EinherjarArmor.esp
3D  ElvenWeaponry.esp
3E  HBetterBows.esp
3F  hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp
40  JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp
41  Mystic.esp
42  Nicoroshi Creations.esp  [Version 1.0]
43  Omegared99-WeaponSets.esp
44  Omegared99-Compilation-NPC Plugin.esp
45  SabreCat_Gear.esp
46  ScoutArmor.esp
47  TCOSS.esp
48  Scoiatael Weapons.esp
49  Jaredschons&D13AdvDwarvenBowAllIn1.esp
4A  Better Warzones Soldier Uniforms With Cloaks.esp
4B  Complete Crafting Overhaul.esp
4C  DeadlyDragons.esp
4D  BlackTowerUpdate.esp
4E  whiterunMarket.esp
4F  SkyrimCoinReplacer.esp [b](only replaces model and gold text to septim)[/b]
50  Masters of Death.esp
51  AddChoices01.esp
52  ArtifactOverhaul.esp
++  AT - Loot Arrows -25%.esp
53  AT - Faster Arrows Improved +10%.esp
++  AT - Merchants Arrows -25%.esp
54  AT - Recover 10% Less Arrows.esp
55  AT - Progressive Damage (BS and CCO).esp
++  Proper Aiming.esp
56  ArrowInTheEverywhere_High_Longer.esp
57  BetterQuestObjectives.esp
[b]58  CutthroatMerchantsMedium.esp[/b]
59  masser Size x0.5.esp
5A  NonEssentialChilds.esp
5B  posesivecorpses.esp
5C  Realistic werewolf speed.esp
5D  secunda Size x0.5.esp
5E  SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esp
5F  VariousGuardReplacer.esp
60  Populated Cities.esp
61  dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp
62  TRO_BasicNeeds.esp  [Version 0.94]
63  CookingExpanded - TRO_BN.esp
64  Better Vampires.esp
65  Lycanthropy_Main_by_Brevi.esp
66  DeadlySpellImpacts.esp
67  EmpoweredMagic.esp
68  More Visible Soul Trap Effect.esp
69  PTAlchemyFoodOverhaul.esp
6A  Path of Shadows.esp
6B  Realistic crime report radius.esp
6C  The Dance of Death.esp
6D  Duel - Combat Realism.esp
6E  ACE Realistic Fighting.esp
6F  ACE BYOG.esp
70  ACE Speech.esp
71  ACE Archery.esp
72  ACE Armor.esp
73  ACE Enchanting.esp
74  ACE Magic.esp
75  ACE Melee.esp
76  ACE Smithing.esp
77  ACE Synergy.esp
78  PTAlchemyOverhaul_SkillRate_1_0.esp
79  CookingExpanded - PTAlchFood.esp
7A  Racial Traits Improved.esp
7B  UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp
7C  Slightly Reduced Distance NPC Greetings.esp
7D  FollowerWander2.esp
++  moveitLWT.esp
7E  rcrnShaders.esp
7F  Crafting300.esp
80  WATER.esp
81  WATER - Get Wet.esp
82  TRO_BasicNeeds_WATERPatch.esp
83  BarenziahQuestMarkers.esp
84  Necessary Map Markers (all files included).esp
85  Bashed Patch, 0.esp
86  Bashed Patch, SkyProc.esp
87  ASIS-Dependency.esp
88  ASIS.esp




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