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I'm new voice actor, does any one need female voice on modding?


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As I said above I'm fresh new voice acting member in mod community. And, I want to give rend my voice for modding. I saw many modder got Problem on lack of voice acting. Sometime they can't get female voice so used low tone male voice. I want solve that problem. If any modder need female voice, I'll check that modding are fine. Then, I will join modding at voice acting. I'm fresh on modding but it's better than have no voice in character of mod.


My voice tone ls like husky dog, happy low tone. And, I'm from south Korea. Have Korean accent, since Chinese, Japanese, and Korean use different language and alphabet. My accent different among other people.


But there are Many none-English native characters in Fallout 4 like bobrov Brothers in Dugout inn, I think my voice fit in the world.


Please leave reply through EMail if need female voice on modding. I will give you help.

* contact info : My Email is [email protected] , send email to me.


Thanks for reading this message.

Edited by kardienlupus
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