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Fallout 3 - Colonel Autumn.


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Hello there .. When i started installing mods for Fallout 3 that made it a lot more harder and a lot more tougher, which they all did - i really wanted a mod to make Colonel Autumn a challenge - but there were none. And i am and still is very disappointed in Colonel Autumn, the so called - 'final' boss.


So my request is this = Please, anyone out there. Could someone make a mod that like, gave the Colonel a unique set of armor and a weapon and increase his base health? Just so he REALLY is a challenge to fight againts, ;) ..


Thank you. :smile:

Edited by Fieldmarshal
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Well, I'll teach you how you can edit a mod to do that for you.


First things first, find a mod with a powerful energy weapon. He has an automatic laser, so I guess a replacer energy weapon would do the trick.


If in doubt, can I interest you in my Cool Lasers mod? Those are pretty powerful, full-auto lasers. Especially the carbines. Or if you want an "oh crap" moment, get the 30mm Vladimir gun. Packs a serious wallop. Trust me, you get hit by that, you'll feel it.


Now open the GECK, set that mod as active from the File menu.


Find Colonel Autumn among the NPCs, double click him, find the page with his inventory. Leave it open for now.


Find the modded gun under Weapons. Drag and drop one into his inventory.


Now the nice thing about those inventory lists is that you can double-click any item there, to be taken to the item's definition page.


The guy is wearing a unique trenchcoat, which is nice, because if we change an item definition, every NPC that has one will be modified. In this case it's only him.


Are you pondering what I'm pondering, Pinky? ;)


Right, let's double click it and give it a DR of, dunno, 85. That's the damage resistance cap. So for every 100 points of damage you pump into him, he only takes 15 damage.


Say OK on all dialogs. Save the mod.


There you go. Now you have a mod which not only adds weapons, but gives a powerful one to the end boss too.


Now for mods you publish, usually people don't really like if you change unrelated stuff, unless it's a bigger compilation than that. So adding a gun and changing Autumn's trench-coat, well, some may think it doesn't really belong together.


But if it's for your own use, basically, who cares?

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