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Voice Acting for you!


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Hey everyone!


Just a huge fan of Skyrim and thought I'd celebrate the purchase of my new equipment with some Skyrim projects.


Orc accent... I got it

Khajit accent... I got it.

Stereotypical chauvinist hero... You know I got it.


Here is a link to a quick sample of voices catered to Skyrim.


Here is a list of impressions for kicks cause I'm really not anticipating requests for Gilbert Godfreid anytime soon hehe....

Adam Sandler

Don Lafontaine

Shaggy and Scooby

Bill Clinton

Jimmy Stewart

Milton Waddams

David Wenham (300)

Captain Jack Sparrow


Walter Brennan

Napoleon Dynamite and Kip

Stewie and Peter Griffin

Chistian Weston Chandler

Paul Lynd

Seth Galifianakis

Rex Kwondo

Sean Connery

Macho Man Randy Savage

Monarch-Venture Bros

King Ki- Dragonball Z

Sebastian-Little Mermaid

Kermit the Frog

Razor Ramone


Curly-3 stooges


I also do trailer voice overs in the style of Don LaFontaine.


Thanks for your time and I'm looking forward to hearing about your project!

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