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Vanilla or Not?


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Hi all,


I bought this game ages ago but never played it past the beginning dungeon since i never ran that great. (now have E8200 @2.66 Duo, 9600GT, 2GBram)


With such a big mod community now to compliment the game I'm not sure if i should use mods or not on my first play through


Should I use the mods and enhance the game straight of the bat and enjoy the new improved game with all new aspects blending in seamlessly?




Should I play without mods first so that when I do add mod in I can recognises the new pieces and appreciate what these mods are doing to improve the game?

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Difficult question. Personally im gutted I explored everywhere and did every quest (literally) prior to getting any Mods. This was a long time ago and some things i cant remeber, but i do know everyone and where all the places are.


Its a good idea to maybe play through the Main Quest and get a high level character, and then maybe do it again with mods on and see the MASSIVE HUGE improvements in EVERYTHING, including graphics/sounds/gameplay.


Its entirely up to you though, if i had a choice now i would go back and play from the beginning with all my mods knowing nothing. Rather than do everything once, then do it again but better.


Sure some people will have different views tho.


Honestly tho exploring the world and people is one of the greatest things about this game, but it doesnt have the same impact doing it all again, no matter how good the MODS are.


Nothing can beat that feeling of walking into a city knowing you know nothing and no one and the world is your oyster!

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Thanks Copper,


I'm kinda swaying to having all the mods in place and enjoying the experience of that first time play through with it just, well... better.


But feel that I'm then almost cheating the mod makers out of their hard work by possibly not recognising its not already part of the game (depending how seamless it is) ....though on thinking that it could also be the ultimate compliment in a way

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I would at least finish the tutorial dungeon and exit the sewer before adding any mods at all, or messing with the .ini file.


Then, NOTE, THIS IS IMPORTANT! Stop playing, make a save and BACK UP your game. Then you will have a fall back position if you do have to reinstall because some huge mod totally trashes your game.


Back it up every so often - weekly or biweekly when you have a stable game. But NEVER loose that first back up. A good time to back up when you are considering adding a big mod, or a bunch of smaller ones. It doesn't do any good to wait until after you have installed the mod that crashes 3 weeks work to back up.

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See your point Raptaur, some MODS you would never notice have been added. But some you can spot a mile off....


Maybe blast around for a bit, loot a few places, do a Guild.


Then do the Mods and you can see what you like/dislike about Vanilla, and see things you would want to change. Then get the mods relevant to your playstyle.


Some mods are really well done and huge but, are just not for me.


YOu will have the same, some ppl hate FCOM, some ppl like me couldnt play without it after seeing it in action



A good example of this would be to do the Mages Guild - then download Origin of the Mages Guild and do it again, see the difference.

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Hi bben,


I take it when you say backup your game, you mean i should take a copy of the save file and move it somewhere safe?

If some of the bigger mods are trashing games, what ones in particular should i try to avoid using together or at all?




Cooper, really like the look of FCOM to take advantage of OOO and MMM at the very least, best as bben says to get out in the field first to have a look about.


It could be the compromise that I'm looking for, to see some of the game and how it really is and also to then take advantage of the improvements with still plenty of time to enjoy them

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Yeah, even now after years of playing sometimes im not sure what iv added and what was originally there, the awesomeness of the modders i guess!


I think what BBen means by BACK UP:


Is to make sure everything working perfect, stop outside the tutorial dungeon. Then backup your save file, AND the ENTIRE OBLIVION DIRECTORY. In program files.


Then if anyhting does happen, you can copy the dir back in to the previous working state.



I personally dont do this cos it takes around 30mins to copy my Oblvivion folder, and thats time i could be spending playing, or installing mods, or both!

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