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Trouble with installing Skyrim Flora Overhaul


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Just installed Skyrim Flora Overhaul and there doesn't seem to be any change, even though I inserted the line




into the Skyrim.ini


In the description it also says:


Make sure you are using Archiveinvalidation Invalidated (use the Nexus Mod Manager instead of installing manually or you will have too google it and find an alternative solution). Click "reset Archiveinvalidation" in NMM.. If the .ini changes does not seem to make any difference (e.g grass still looks very sparse, dont see many different grasses) you are problaby not editing the correct .ini. Please notice that some of the mod organizers seems to have their own .ini's which the game prioritize, then you must change them and not the usual ones.



But how am I supposed to turn this option on if I don't use NMM but Wrye Bash?

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