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Survival / Environment / Items suggestions


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I love skyrim, but I think one of the biggest issues was the lack of items to aquire over the time of the game.


Gold become obsolete as soon as you bought a house, and otherwise I felt myself only using it to power level smithing.


Skyrim was way more fun at the start, cause you had less gold and you had more decisions that were important to your characters evolution.


I't also felt like as soon as you hit "Steel" in smithing all you looked forward too item wise was your next set (Dwarven, Ebon, Etc) More armor sets would be sweet.


I'd also like something to make the game just feel more rough, survival like. Something like a eat and sleep meter, having to combat the actual enviorment in certain ways.


Overall, I'd like a few suggestions on mods that fit into these categories. I've heard about some enviorment detail / audio mods too. I just want a way to enhance the games atmosphere and just have more decisions / armor sets. A way to make the game harder that doesn't involve enemy damage / health scaling.


Skyrim became more about devouring the content and seeing the world and pimping out your character (Not to say the experience wasn't amazing regardless, but I feel like this is something that'll make replaying it much more worthy)


Any constructive responses are appreciated, Cheers!


P.S I'll take any suggestions for mods as long as they keep the games immersion. First time modding.

Edited by Coliss
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Look at Frostfall for battling the elements. Highly reccomended. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11163


I also reccomend the new Project Reality Climates of Tamriel mod for this kind of gameplay. It makes the whole lighting system more immersive and the dark nights combined with Frostfall's temperature system make things more interesting.


In terms of food/sleep there are tons of mods if you just search basic terms along the lines of 'eating', it comes down to personal preference really. This page may be of use: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11055

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