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"Skyrim has stopped working" help please? D:


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Ever since I woke up this morning, my Skyrim game has not been working.

I can go to the start menu and press play. The silver dragon comes up, as usual, but when i click continue the screen turns pitch black, skyrim closes, and I get an error message saying:

"A problem has caused skyrim to stop working. Windows will notify you if a solution is available."

And no notifications, as expected.

It was working perfectly last night. I've tried everything; changing sound quality, verifying integrity, defragmenting files, uninstalling/deleting programs and files, removing all my mods, everything. But to no avail.

So I don't have to spend 100+ dollars on someone coming over and rummaging through my laptop, someone please tell me how to fix this.

I haven't changed anything since last night. If it helps, I did use a few console commands, so that may be the problem. But even so, I don't have an idea in my mind of how to fix it!

I really need help, urgently. I know some of you might not want to waste your time on me, but I'd really appreciate if you could dedicate some time into a detailed description to help someone.


Thank you for reading.

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I have the exact same error, I've tried the exact same things as you have, I've even reformatted my whole computer, to get the same error. I've had this error for so long, with over 170+ hours of playing, waking up to see that it doesen't work just pisses me off. Been searching for answers to this error everywhere but couldn't find anything. Hopefully someone here has an answer.
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  • 5 months later...
I have the exact same problem but i got mine 5 days ago and it has stopped working already and iv'e tried everything i can think of. Iv'e reset my laptop, iv'e uninstalled and re installed skyrim, iv'e uninstalled and re installed the stream thing and iv'e put in about an hour of searching the web for a solution, iv'e deleted all my mods and stuff iv'e added to the computer, but unlike you guys my skyrim decided to stop working juring the middle of the night.
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