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Need help finding something in the CK.


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Sometimes, when you fight an enemy, he will crouch and shout "I yield! I yield" (or other things like that), but after a while attack you again, unless he fled far enough. I'd like to change that, but I can't find what triggers that behavior. All I found was the dialogue (flee subtype in DialogueGeneric quest, combat section), but I can't find what triggers it... I'm not very used to that, I did very basic scripting in Oblivion and Fallout, but not a lot, so I guess I don't have the experience to know exaclty what to look for.

Could someone please point me to what triggers that behavior, so I can make a script to modify it?


Thanks in advance.

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I'm not sure exactly what triggers it, but I know that the animation for that is called "bleed out" or something of the like; I'd start by filtering for something like that (bleed, bleed out, bleeding out) and see if you can't find some sort of trigger. What do you plan to do with it, by the way? make them non-hostile?
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At first, making them non-hostile, yes. Then, if I have the motivation and the skill, I have a few ideas I'd like to try which would make a big mod (capture them? Enslave them? Ransom them?), but let's not get ahead of ourselves^^


EDIT: All I found was an ActionBleedOutStart and an ActionBleedOutStop, but I don't know what to make of it. When you edit it, all you have is a color... :huh:

Edited by Gilead Maerlyn
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That actually sounds like the AI Attributes, under the AI Data tab of an Actor. I'm thinking of the Confidence setting, most villagers for instance are 'Cowardly' and if you attack them they will usually do exactly what you described. Maybe after they lose a certain amount of health.


Hope that helps point you in the right direction.

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This should help:




I don't know if that's how long they bleed out or at what percent of health they bleed out, but you can try it.


EDIT: No, that's the percentage at which they bleed out...

I have an idea, though. After a bit of research, I think I can conclude that bleedout works by starting when an actors health falls below that specified percentage, and ends when their health recovers to a level above that percentage. So my thought is, what if you made it so these npcs don't regenerate health?


If you still want to do the capture/enslave idea, you could script it so that they become non-hostile below a certain health percentage, but you'd have to heal them manually using healing hands (or just...not heal them).

Edited by JackNitro
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Thanks, I'll look into it, though according to the wiki, that bleedout default stat is used for essential characters. Apparently, the bleedout is when an essential character gets out of combat and kneels to heal. Edited by Gilead Maerlyn
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Thanks, I'll look into it, though according to the wiki, that bleedout default stat is used for essential characters. Apparently, the bleedout is when an essential character gets out of combat and kneels to heal.


It does say that, but the stat is given to all enemy classes, and I've clearly seen non-essential enemies bleed out with mine own eyes. In fact, it happens every time I get an enemies health below a point without getting it all the way to zero.

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