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Texture on new armor won't load

Guest deleted1497950

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Guest deleted1497950
Ok, so I made a new armor from scratch and got everything working on my mesh (except for a little tweeking of the weight paint to be worked on at a later time) except that now I can't figure out why it's not loading the textures correctly. The skin texture part of the mesh loads the textures correctly, but the armor part of the mesh won't load the textures from the file it is directed to load from, but just reads the information from the skin file too, so I've got belly buttons where buckles ought to be and so on. Even when I go into nifskope and manually tell each part which directory to look at for the textures, it still just loads the wrong file. Any ideas? (I don't currently have the luxury of the creation kit, or it would be a simple fix that way, I know.)
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