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How to un-replace armor from replacer mod?


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Back before the creation kit was made I downloaded a replacer for the Dark Brotherhood armor, but now I want the shrouded armor back. I tried deleting the mod by getting rid of the .esm and meshes for the armor, but now I'm just left with regular mage robes instead of the armor. How do I get the original armor back?! Please help.


This is the mod used:


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If you downloaded it with Nexus Mod Manager, It's as simple as going to the mod tab and de-activating it. If you installed it manually, that's another story. You should theoretically be able to go into your data folder and delete all of the meshes, textures and .esm's associated with the armor, since the original files should still be in the .bsa files. If for some reason that fails (which it shouldn't), you'll have to (1) make a copy of your data folder (and any mods in your main directory, e.g. ENB/SMAA/injectors), (2) re-install skyrim, (3) copy and over-write with your data folder and any additional files you backed up.
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