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Can someone please help with GetNthEffectMagnitude(0)


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Having serious issue with GetNthEffectMagnitude(0)


I want to rename potions with their magnitude. This is the very early form of the script and it is applied to the player.


Scriptname PotionRenamer extends Actor

Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer)
       Debug.MessageBox("Added (" + aiItemCount + ") " + akBaseItem.getname())
       float mag = akBaseItem.GetNthEffectMagnitude(0)
       akBaseItem.setname(akBaseItem.getname() + " " + mag)


I tried several different things with it but I'm starting to think I can't use it this way. It seems I need to use it like this from the website:


float mag = Potion.GetNthEffectMagnitude(0)


Then how do I point it to akBaseItem?

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