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normal Prossesor degrade

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What core 2 quad do you have?


And yes. 80+ Celsius is way too hot for a CPU. You never want it to go above 70 really. I would suggest buying a nice Heatsink fan. And some good thermal paste. And replace your old one. If you don't know how. Ask a tech buddy you have. Or take it to your local Computer store. It'll cost money. But not as much as replacing your CPU.

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Is it 80 durring idle, or is it at 80 when under heavy strain?


And yeah, knowing the specific chip set you have would be useful since some tend to run hotter than others even on idle, and some have higher limits before they totally crap out.


Regardless, it would still probably help to have better cooling, or atleast more airflow around your case (if you have one of those older computer desks with an enclosed compartment for the computer (I ripped the back off of mine and dropped 10 degrees)). It is however suggested that you keep the cover on your computer case except for very brief periods as i've been told that keeping the cover off can shorten the lifespan of your computer.

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Also. It might help to know how you're finding out your temperatures. Some programs aren't totally reliable. Best way is to see if you can check the temp in your BIOS settings. Best way to test idle temps atleast.
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Glad you got it fixed. Running at 80+ could really have done some damage.


Just out of curiosity. What cpu and heatsink did you have before?

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