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Collectors Home


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So... after playing for like 200 hours, I've noticed that I've placed a lot of unique items in weapon racks and plaques along the different purchasable houses in Skyrim, and stored almost each set of weapons/armors on some of my chests.


So, I thought, what about a Home that not only allows players to collect stuff, but also gives them incentive to do so?


The basic Idea is a place which the Dragonborn gains access to through a quest or by paying a nice amount of gold, and when he enters it, he finds a very small and dirty room, with no decorations (A jail cell, perhaps), and 2 Mannequins and some weapon racks in it. Disappointed by such a ridiculous home that cost so much, the player attempts to leave, he finds a note on the floor, explaining the properties of the "Collectors Home"


The player will have to equip both mannequins with the first two tiers of armor, Iron and Leather, and fill the weapon racks with the first tier of weapons. Once done, the mannequins/racks disappear, the small room expands, or a door appears, while the place gets cleaned. A bed is added, the mannequins reappear along more mannequins, the weapon racks along more racks and plaques, and the first reward is given.

And so the Dragonborn starts hunting each item on the world, and placing them on the house, as it expands more and more, rewarding the player with a better designed and equipped home.


Some things that would progress acording to the amount of items/sets collected would be:

  • Size and amount of rooms
  • Smithing station (First an Anvil, then a Forge, then a Tanning Rack and a Smelter, then a Grinding Stone and a Workbench)
  • Library (The player places books in a chest, and they are added and sorted on big bookshelves by alphabetical order
  • Quest Plaques (If the player has specific quests or questlines tracked as completed, he will earn badges/shields on plaques with an image or a sign representing that quests, With some variations if the player decides to fail the quest or do it in a different way (The Daedric quests, destroying the Dark brotherhood instead of joining it, for example)
  • Mannequins of each unique actor that the player earned as a selectable follower
  • Shields of each City the player is a Thane in, with respective item rewards
  • A kitchen, maybe? With each edible/drinkable item
  • Mage's Studium, with a separate library containing each learned spell tome, a Enchanter's Table and an Alchemist Workbench
  • A replica of each Guardian stone the player has visited/interacted with


I know nothing about modding, but if someone is interested in the concept, I can provide more ideas about it.

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That would be a great mod I look for mostly the displays to show off everything in the game books, armor, weapons and so on. But there is not a house out there yet that has all of that levelers tower is close but dont have enough mannies and weapons racks. But maybe one day someone can fix it so we can have a house for displaying our hard earned stuff lol
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The only thing that I know at the moment that offers this is "LC-Become King of Riverhelm compatible version" but this is a whole city.

The storage room is located in the secret room which you can access by looking in your "king" room. It has a lot of mannequins and weapons racks.

I have nothing to do at the moment, so I think I might make a "Collectors Home", but you could use that as a temporary or whatever.


EDIT: This is the room I was talking about http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/images/20614-3-1342467879.jpg

Edited by Oplosthee
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90% of homes are collectors' homes. They may not have all the trophies you mentioned, but the fact remains that they are mostly just fancy boxes to hold your loot in. Personally, I'd much rather see a lore-friendly home with interactive elements and voiced staff/maids/butlers/neighbours than yet another shrine to my own vanity.
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  • 1 year later...

YES!! A brilliant idea. I do hope there are modders out there that will pick it up and are able to create it. I have also hundredS of hours of playing and that it exactly what I am looking for. Great idea.

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