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a new arena


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OK first off the simplest way to build it simply make a large domed room and then have the player use the place at me command with a marker selected to drop some NPCs in different spots


and my other idea is you give it an item code and and a number like say storm cloak id 500 and then you go to another post and do the same thing lets say imperial 500 then you go to a 3rd location and press a button or flip a lever and the machine does a spawn


if it is made big enough then perhaps you could have a dragon fighting area as well or this be kinda funny but make a dragon with dragon rend under its abilities lol then you could have it in the arena

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OK first off the simplest way to build it simply make a large domed room and then have the player use the place at me command with a marker selected to drop some NPCs in different spots


and my other idea is you give it an item code and and a number like say storm cloak id 500 and then you go to another post and do the same thing lets say imperial 500 then you go to a 3rd location and press a button or flip a lever and the machine does a spawn


if it is made big enough then perhaps you could have a dragon fighting area as well or this be kinda funny but make a dragon with dragon rend under its abilities lol then you could have it in the arena

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There's an arena mod in the Nexus already. It was uploaded today, actually. Can't recall the name, but look it up under the "recently added" section.


Not sure if your referring to a WIP or a RELZ, but i do know about this WIP:



Edit, nvm.. just came across the one you ment: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/20756


Edited by Urwy
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