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im interested in what other people do to test there characters abilities to see if anyone is as indepth (or pathetic) as me, im sure theres some out there (indepth not pathetic, lol).


when my character was lv 26 i decided to venture off out into the bloodmoon expansion wearing just a bear helm, nordic fur boots a reikling sheild and a huntsmans axe. i managed to make it all the way from fort frostmoth to the skall village (after getting lost many-a-time) i arrived with a minute amount of health and instantly went to rest in an empty hut.


has anyone tested ther character in anyway? if so please tell me, as i said im interested to see what you went through

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i do that too! dont worry we're all losers here. your in good company.


i am a fanatic of unarmored combat (as crappy as it may be in this game) and athletics, acrobatics, illusion. ya know, the acrobatish stuff. i raced my level 30 wood elf acrobat/athlete (named Eiade. she's my favorite obviously) to see how long it took me to run from seyda neen to balmora (taking the road). she's maxed out her speed and athletics (yay). it took her 2 minutes, 2 seconds!! woo! (i'm a loser.)


i started from the silt stider platform in seyda neen and ended in the gateway next to the siltstrider in balmora.

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When I first tested my character, I took only full Imperial chainmail armor and an Iron longsword enchanted with some fire damage and entered Galom Daecus(or whatever). The objective was to get that Dwemer book at 50 diff. I was level 26 and I barely managed to kill all the vamps. By barely i mean that I had 0 potions of any kind, a broken sword and helmet and a bad case of hemophilia.
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first of all im glad i aint the only one who likes to test my character. second no you arnt a loser eiade, your just as sad as me lol. and finally i am now attemting to kill all gods on the game to become the one! i once had a godly kinda glow, everywhere i went i illuminated the area around me. i can also control the weather of mournhold, what more dya reckon i can do to be a more realistic god? any suggestions will be welcome, i was thinkin a plague of rats, whadya reckon?
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i raced my level 30 wood elf acrobat/athlete (named Eiade. she's my favorite obviously) to see how long it took me to run from seyda neen to balmora (taking the road). she's maxed out her speed and athletics (yay). it took her 2 minutes, 2 seconds!! woo! (i'm a loser.)


i started from the silt stider platform in seyda neen and ended in the gateway next to the siltstrider in balmora.

How long did that take you in in-game time, or did you not check?

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i think he means in-game time not real life time, like you can make a week go by just by pressing your designated rest key a couple times while in real life only 15 seconds has passed. hes doesn't think it was 2 minutes in-game time.
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dude, i just looked at the the clock. when the second hand reached the 12, i started. i kept my eye on it during the trip. 2 minutes, 2 seconds. no morrowind-standard-time (haha. i made a funny.). just a real-life clock. in my room.
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hey orius. how do you control the weather? is it a command that you enter into the consol?


HEY!!! JUST GOT AN AWESOME IDEA!! unless someone's already thought of it... how about someone make a mod that lets you control the weather? ya know, like a weather-control item? whenever you equip it it gives you a choice of what you want the weather to be. it sounds entirely possible. i can see it all now...


"Tired of that terrible ashland weather? Tired of those damned blight-storms? well worry no more..."

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