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Dustman´s Crypt room "stripped of all textures" -> total Green room D:


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So...i was finally so happy (after 2 months of struggle) that i can play a Crashfree Skyrim. Climates of Tamriel, additionnal Light and shadow mods work PERFECTLY....but Skyrim is a problem game and will always be for whatever reason....
I am doing the Companions Quest to fully join them "Proving Honor" and i am at Dustman´s Cairn. Usually my problems were Door Crashes to Desktop but that´s not the case anymore. (finally...)

When i open the door to DUSTMAN´S CRYPT...i enter the "room" but my whole screen is light green....all textures are just wiped out and i can move, "fight", hear my followers who fight vampires, i see the Vampire health bars but....the screen remains completely light Green.
I can move...randomly.... in the hope of finding the back door i entered and go back to Dustman´s Cairn where all textures come back....but are those corrupted or missing textures files ?



Thanks for the Help.

PS: I have never entered this Cave before since i play Skyrim it´s the first time.
PS2: For the moment no other Cave i entered had those problems.

PS3: always main quests are affected by bugs or textures problems, crashes....it´s annoying, because i will have to skip all the Companion Quests and Werewolf part of the Game if i cannot finish this quest.


I can´t put any picture since they are in Bitmap format. I deactivated steam overlay and take picture with prnt screen.

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