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right hand not working


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hey everyone since 7/18/2012 I've been having issues with my character. whenever i equip dual spells for example frost/fire i can only use the spell in my left hand. how hard i try. my right arm just won operate. i have this issue also on dual wielding with melee weapons but i can only block with the offhand weapon in that case whenever i equip a sword and a shield it just works fine. but it refuses to let me use me right arm in any way to attack with it.


i could really use some help on this


yours sincerely Cookies3

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  • 3 weeks later...
I have a similar problem my right hand works fine until I go into combat than the right hand just does one swipe or not at all but as soon as combat is over I can swing and power attack like normal. I even tried Flame spell in the right hand and as long as no one is attacking it works fine. I'll shoot a continuous flame from the right hand but as soon as an enemy is in range it stops to only small mouse click bursts or not at all. I even started shooting flame before I got to the enemy but as soon as the flame touches him it stops. Great swords are completely useless as I'll keep pressing the button and nothing will happen but maybe a quick swipe or two but usually nothing but when combat is over everything works fine. I'm on PC by the way. I notice it happens on all character who dual wield. Edited by thezoorat
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i've fixed this issue in meanwhile it was caused by a mod i installed. as soon as i uninstalled it it started working just fine again.
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