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[Papyrus] AddItem bugged for form lists?


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I want to add 1 unit of every item in a form list to a container. But the basic

Container_ListView.AddItem(List_Sort, 1, true)

doesn't work. If I replace that by the following loop, it works like a charm.

int i = 0
Form Item
while(i < List_Sort.GetSize())
Item = List_Sort.GetAt(i)
i += 1


Does anyone know what the cause of this problem is?

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Yes. In your first example you are actually trying to add the form list itself into the container, not the base forms that are in the list. You can't do that.

In the second example you are retrieving the item's that the form list is pointing to, via the GetAt(i) function. That is the correct way.

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I'm sure that the 1st way worked a few patches back.

And the creation kit wiki article on additem says: akItemToAdd: [...] If a form list, then it will add aiCount of each item in the list.


Also from the wiki

As of 6/5/2012, it appears that the latest beta patch (1.6) no longer allows for the AddItem method to add an object or objectreference of Form 'Container' to the player's inventory.

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  • 4 weeks later...

What's curious about this bug is that it's so arbitrary - always works for some users, never works for others, and is sporadic for the rest.


In the game, the most obvious instance of the bug is that Salmon are no longer lootable. I'm not sure if it's used elsewhere.



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