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Where to find reload animations?


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I was planning on porting the Cowboy Repeater from New Vegas to Fallout 3. The model, textures and sound shouldn't be a problem, but the reload animation is, since that's not available in the game.


So can anyone tell me where to find those in the New Vegas data folder?

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Proximitus - Hello!


I don't have New Vegas so I can't tell you where the reload animations would be there.


However I know where Reload animations are in Fallout 3, so that might help as they should be in a simillar place in New Vegas.


In Fallout 3 Human animations are in:


Fallout 3\Data\Meshes\Characters\_male


Their first person equivalents are in:


Fallout 3\Data\Meshes\Characters\_1stperson


The files are .kf & tend to be named things like 2hareloadf.


If it's a vanilla weapon they will be in that same path contained in the meshes .bsa of course.


Hope this helps!



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Proximitus - Hello!


"found them! Problem is, now I can't find the place to edit the ReloadA to ReloadZ animations in GECK! "


In GECK, edit the weapon you want to use the animation, reload is set under the "Art and Sound" tab in "Reload Anim".


You can also see & edit Reloads in FO3Edit.


Though Fallout 3 only has reloads from A - K, & I think that's hard coded.


You'd probably have to swap the reload for one of the existing ones by renaming the animation to one of the vanilla ones.


I have seen a sneaky script/idle animation method used for adding in new reloads so that existing ones don't get replaced.


The plasma weapons in Plasma Weapons Redesign Rebalance by chai:




& also the Heavy Plasma pistol in Apocalypse Armory.


There's a detailed guide on how to do that here:




I'm assuming you're doing this for personal use as you would not be allowed to upload a mod for Fallout 3 with New Vegas content.


Hope this helps!



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It is indeed for personal use!


And I already found the method you're talking about.


The probem is, I can't get it to work :( I'm not good in scripting, can't do it at all :S


I don't know if you are good at this, but I would like to ask if you could give it a try?


I'll send you the .kf files of the reload and jam.


I also uploaded the .esp file that uses the custom weapon. Though the weapon models aren't including, you can attach the script to the wastelandrifle2 file


Also, here is a video of the Cowboy repeater and how the reload should look like!


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Proximitus - Hello!


I've taken a look at your plugin, there's nothing wrong with your script or the implementation of the reload animation workaround.


It seems to be the animations it's not liking as it ignores the ones you're trying to add.


I tested it with some other fallout 3 reload animations, copied & renamed to replace the files you provided, & it worked as it's meant to.


I do notice that there's an extra file with the reloads you are trying to use:




Not sure what that's for, my guess would be that's part of the problem.



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The 2hrreloadzstart file was among the other files, so I reckoned it was important. But I didn't implented the file into the script, so I don't think that causes the problem. Also because you replaced the files and everything was fine with it, without the use of the 2hrreloadzstart file.


Is there some way I can comparise the 2 files, the NV ones and the ones that you use (don't know wich they are) to see where they flaw?


**I noticed that I didn't have FOSE installed. After doing that, when reloading, my character has some kind of seizure like move, bending really weird..I think it has to do with the animations..


***After removing the 2hrreloadstart, the seizure stopped, but the reload animation is back to the one that is chosen under the art and sound tab..

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Proximitus - Hello!


"The 2hrreloadzstart file was among the other files, so I reckoned it was important."


That's what I'd guess, it's reloadz so it's clearly related.


"But I didn't implented the file into the script, so I don't think that causes the problem."


I think that may be why it is causing a problem, it's possible they should be used together.


I can't say I've seen a start version of an animation file in Fallout 3.


I don't have New Vegas to check. You may want to look in GECK at that eapon & see what animations are listed for it.


"Is there some way I can comparise the 2 files, the NV ones and the ones that you use (don't know wich they are) to see where they flaw?"


As wetblanket says, Nifskope will view .kf animation files:




I've used it to edit start/end times on animations before but it's not going to tell you a lot, just a lot of NiTransformInterpolator blocks with animation instructions.


Apart from the Text keys with the start/end times I'm afraid I know very little about animation files structure.


As to which animations I tried out, I've got Apocalypse Armory installed so I've got lots of reload animations in:


Fallout 3\Data\Meshes\Characters\_male


I swapped in several of those like MauserCarbineReload & I think 2hareloadf too.


They all seemed to work when called by that special script.


It's only those New Vegas ones that seemed to get ignored.


I even swapped them with a dance animation I have that can be triggered in game. Again, nothing happened in game when those New Vegas ones were in. Yet I could swap in any of the Fallout 3 reload animations & trigger them in game.


Have you tried using any of the other animations from New Vegas in your mod?


Just to see if they work?


I can't think of anything else except contacting someone with more knowledge of animations.


Sorry I couldn't be of more help!



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