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Making an NPC Help


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I started playing around with the creation tool a few days ago, making NPCs wander around, in and out of building etc just trying to get the feel for the tool but when I came to making an NPC I created browse the market in Whiterun they just stand around the edge of the market like a lemon, not doing anything. I tried adding Nazeem's browse package to my NPC's AI Packages list thinking I was obviously doing something wrong but again they just stand at the edge. Can anyone help me out please?
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They won't automatically browse necessarily, I believe there is an Idle Marker (maybe IdleMarkerBrowse even) that you'd need to place and either configure the package so they use that specifically or at random. That should do the trick I think. You might check to see if there isn't one there already, if not you'll need to place one.
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