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7 Days To Die

Mod Request: Builders Wand


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Hi all,


after a literal few years, I must ask for this.


Any of you who have played modded minecraft will know this thing. A Builders wand. If you have, say, five blocks of stone next to each other, clicking with this wand on the broad side of these blocks will place five more. If you click the ten blocks you now have on top, it will place ten more on top of them.


I am more interested in 7d2d for the building aspect. I build huge bases. Massive. But what is driving me crazy is the slow building process. Shhoof plop. Shhooff plop. Repeat thousands of times.


A builders wand that would let me place rows of blocks in one action would save me oodles of time and frustration.


If possible, can someone please make this mod? Pretty please? Even if it places just a few blocks, it would be so much time saved...





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