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SDK Programming - New LW2 Class Mod


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Hi Friend,


I would like to make a class mod for LW2. Have a few questions:


To start out, I would like to Copy+Paste an existing class, like the Ranger for example, and then start duplicating/re-skining and changing its abilities as well as adding entirely new ones.


My first problem may be that I don't know how to make LW2 a required mod for my mod to work. Is that done through Steam or in the SDK itself?


How do I essentially make a duplicate of an existing class so that I can start turning that copy into a new class?


Thank you for your help!

Edited by TheSh1n1ng1
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So I've found the answer for making LW2 required and integrating it here: https://www.reddit.com/r/xcom2mods/comments/5oz2n5/how_to_compile_metamods_with_long_war_2/


Now I'd like to know how to make a copy of a class




how to make a new Perk from scratch, if anyone has any input thank you.


Here's a post to the 10 new classes I'll be working on for LW2... https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/discussion/1128707437/1744483505473343477/


Thank you in advance.

Edited by TheSh1n1ng1
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