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Vortex not enabling certain plugins


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Okay so I installed a boat load of mods. Booted up the game played for a few hours then changed my mind about ELFX weather. So I close the game reinstall ELFX this time without the weather changes.

Then I get a missing masters for immersive citizens ELFX patch. Okay makes sense so I go to the plugin tab. None of the ELFX plugins are there.. weird I say to myself maybe it just needs to refresh. So I close Vortex and open it again. The ELFX plugins are there now so I enable all of them close vortex and launch the game. When i go to load my save it warns me that the ELFX esp files are missing as well as the immersive citizens elfx patch esp. I close the game open vortex and it lists the plugins in question as disabled. I enable them again this time launch the game through vortex still same issue.
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