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Shadow bug on body


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Hello, sorry if this is a confusing topic/ already asked, just hint me to the answered/old thread if there is one!


I've installed a dozen of mods recently and I'm v. happy with the result of them, the shadow looks PERFECT everywhere except on my character where it looks really shitty




Not sure if you really see the issue on that picture but I've searched a lil bit and it's kind of like the shadow striping glitch, instead the shadow is BIG pixel boxes T_T sadness me a lot and wonder if there is any easy and quick ways to solve it.





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The boxiness is dependant on your shadow resolutions. This can be adjusted in Documents\My Games\SkyrimPrefs.ini by changing these parameters:





(Note: It might just be one single iShadowMapResolution= parameter.)


Change the number(s) to one of these three: 1024 [lowest quality], 2048 [medium], or 4096 [highest].


However, you'll need a very good system for this, as shadow maps eat up system resources like nothing else. If you want a less taxing solution, you can adjust this parameter instead:




This determines how blurry the shadow edges are. Set it to a number between 1 and 7. 1 is the sharpest, 7 is the blurriest. Some people prefer sharper shadows, but a number of 5+ can really help hide those jagged edges.


If you get

, on the other hand, just google "shadow striping fix". There's about a thousand different methods I've come across for that.
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