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dagoth ur


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Drive him back toward the precipiece by moving toward him. He will fall off, giving you ample time to leap/levitate down to the bridge and destory the Heart.


Be careful though- he respawns behind you after a little while.


You can also use a bunch of Summon spells/scrolls to absorb his attacks while you dart in occasionally and deal a few powerful blows.

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Out of curiousity, you do know the order in which you're supposed to hit the Heart right?


You should have been told that by Vivec himself, or at least have figured it out through the Dwemer Book 'The Egg of Time'.

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...<_< unbelievable. to get to Dagoth Ur himself and not have a single clue...


Do you have wraithguard equiped? Do you even know what wraithguard is?


And do you have Keening? You need both (well wraithguard moreso than the others, since you need wraithguard to protect you from both weapons...)


Also, are you just hitting the heart in no particular order, becuase there is a method to which you have to destroy it...


For the love of the Valar, you couldn't have possibly gotten that far in MW and not have a bloody clue as to how to destroy Dagoth Ur, I mean, for crying out loud Vivec spells it out for you, and there are many clues and hints to be found elsewhere. <_<


I'm sorry for the flame (if it is one, yeah it is <_< ) but honestly, you guys must have not payed attention during the entire main quest, or have just cheated to get to Dagoth Ur...the ignorance is killing me.

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Oh ok, sorry for the flame. I didn't know that you had continued the game from a relative where they left off.


Being thrown into the midst of something as complex as this is very disorienting and confussing, if one does not know the entire nature or background of the events unfolding before them.


Again, I apologize for the flame :D

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