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How to change an activator item into an item you can keep?


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You know that schematic you can find to build artillery mortars(from the Old Guns quest I think it's called)? When you pick it up it grants you the ability to craft the defense mortars but it disappears from the world. I am working on a mod and I want to make it so that it's an item I can actually pick up and keep in my inventory, just like the schematic for the robot workbench from Automatron. I found the file in FO4edit and it's not a MISC item but an activator. So, how would I go about changing the activator item into a MISC one without breaking the effect it has on the game?

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I found a post on this forum with script examples for essentially swapping between MISC and Activator objects. The author explained that the scripts were used for a portable bedroll mod. It was quite some time ago that I came across the post and I can't remember what I was even looking for at the time I found it, but perhaps you'll have luck searching for "portable bedroll".

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