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Is the Dragonborn actually Tiber Septim?


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No, your not Tiber/Talos/Ysmir/Wulf/The Three In One/The Enantiomorph/The Apotheosis/Aspect of Shezarr/of Shor/of Lorkhan reincarnate. You are arguably a Shezzarine however, like Talos.



Edit: Now that I'm thinking about it, it suddenly seems suspicious that the power behind the Aldmeri Dominion is kept deliberately vague. In Oblivion we learn two things: the Nerevarine has left Morrowind for parts unknown, and that there is unrest in the Summerset Isles. Could the two be connected? Is the power behind the Aldmeri actually the Nerevarine working to destroy the Empire? Seems plausible, and a good contender for the location and plotline of the next Elder Scrolls game, the Dovahkiin and the Empire VS the Nerevarine and the Aldmeri in the Summerset Isles.

We know how the 2nd AD came to power, and thats not it. Last place Nerevarine was said to have been was Akavir. Definitely never going to see the Nerevarine again in another ES. The Nerevar prophecy is over. Plus there's a huge difference between being a reincarnate of a mortal, prophesied by Azura to return, and being a reincarnation of an amalgamated godhead.

Edited by Enatiomorph
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I thought that was a strange event also. I took it as this. The soldiers spirit saw into the spirit realm. In that, he saw the dragon blood. The Dragon Born being bloodkin was seen as his old friend.

it's reasons liek this i wish i hadn't started playing the elder scrolls at skyrim, the most previous experience i have with this universe is dabbling with oblivion at a freinds house on his save (in the middle of nowhere) for 5 minutes... i honestly have no clue about lore/backstory, and it saddens me.

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I thought this also, there are a few speculative hints here and there, as mentioned above. I bought a copy of the Prima Official Game Guide (the book ver.) and at the top of page 331 it shows the small alters for the nine divines and says for Talos "Talos: Tiber Septim, the Dragonborn. Heir to to the Seat of Sundered Kings. Also known as Ysmir." Are the people that wrote the "official" game guide also speculating, or did this come from Bethesda? After all your PC, whether sided with the Empire or Stormcloaks does win the war for Skyrim, although no one is selected for High King yet. These things do get the wheels of speculation turning...
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You become the LAST Dragonborn, which I take means you are the last of a line of people chosen by Akatosh to be a Dragonborn The lineage of the Septim blood are referred to being of Dragon Blood, not Dragonborn. You are the first Dragonborn since Tiber, I take this as meaning that you share the title with Tiber Septim and are not him reincarnated
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The lineage of the Septim blood are referred to being of Dragon Blood, not Dragonborn.

"All the legitimate rulers of the Empire have been Dragonborn - the Emperors and Empresses of the first Cyrodilic Empire founded by Alessia; Reman Cyrodiil and his heirs; and of course Tiber Septim and his heirs, down to our current Emperor, His Majesty Pelagius Septim IV." -- The Book of the Dragonborn (Emphasis added)


"Dragon blood" and "dragonborn" are two ways of saying the same thing. We are not the first dragonborn since Tiber Septim, though we may be the first since Martin. From Alessia to Martin, the gift of Akatosh was necessary to keep the Gates of Oblivion closed. Following the Oblivion Crisis, the Covenant was at an end and it was no longer necessary to keep the Dragonfires lit, thus there was no longer any need for the existence of dragonborn who could wear the Amulet of Kings and light those fires.


Now, with the new crisis of Alduin's return, there is once again need for a dragonborn. But there is no continuing Covenant to ensure that the line will continue, and we could very well be the last dragonborn that will ever be needed.

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And yet none of Tiber Septim's heirs got called up to High Hrothgar to learn the 'Way Of The Voice', also I don't recall ever hearing of them using shouts? I also recall in Oblivion that only those of Dragon blood could light the fires and wear the Amulet. When you first get told by the Whiterun guards that you are Dragon Born, you are also told that nothing like this has happened since Tiber Septim. Maybe there are 2 types of Dragon Born?
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And yet none of Tiber Septim's heirs got called up to High Hrothgar to learn the 'Way Of The Voice', also I don't recall ever hearing of them using shouts? I also recall in Oblivion that only those of Dragon blood could light the fires and wear the Amulet. When you first get told by the Whiterun guards that you are Dragon Born, you are also told that nothing like this has happened since Tiber Septim. Maybe there are 2 types of Dragon Born?

Only one type, but there was a practical limitation on Tiber's heirs. They had the potential to absorb dragon souls to learn Shouts, but that was hard to put into practice without any dragons around. In Tiber's day there were still a few dragons to be found, but none since then. Presumably Tiber killed at least one and discovered his ability, at which point the Greybeards summoned him.


The Greybeards ordinarily don't teach anyone who doesn't follow their philosophy, but you fall outside their rules because you can learn to Shout without any help from them at all. You can learn lots of Shouts without ever getting anywhere near High Hrothgar, unlike ordinary people. The only way the Greybeards can hope to influence you into using your power properly (by their standards) is by agreeing to teach some of what they know while encouraging you to adopt their philosophy. They're trying to make the best of what they see as a bad situation. That is why they summon dragonborn who already have the power, including you and Tiber. You are the first one since Tiber who has had the opportunity to put his potential into practice.


However, if a dragonborn doesn't have any dragons to kill, he or she will never learn to Shout unless taught by the Greybeards. Why should the Greybeards summon a dragonborn who does not already have the power and just give it to them? The dragonborn in such a case can never misuse the power if the Greybeards never teach it, so their "problem" of controlling the use of the Voice is already solved.

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According to the guards, Tiber didn't fight any dragons, as they said there weren't any around, allthough the Dragonborn Book mentions that the Blades may have killed some around this time. The book also mentions that scholars disagree in the meaning Dragonborn had for his heirs and even whether Reman Cyrodill was in fact Dragonborn or if the Blades just claimed him as such. But as I have found with a lot of books in Skyrim and Oblivion, a lot is just conjecture and I get the feeling it is best that we fill in the holes the way we want it to be, as lore does not equate to law :smile:
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