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I need your help to create a Blind-playable version of Skyrim


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I encountered a Visually impaired player. Actually, he is totally blind, and he success to plays video games. It's truly impressive, he uses the spatialized sound (it's mandatory here..) to find his way in space. It is unthinkable for us, but they achieve this.


He is not alone. Blind players who plays video games exist, and unfortunately they are ignored by the large majority of video game company. Some independent developers did adapted games, like "A hero's call" or "A blind Legend" but it is really uncommon.


You can find him for example play Lords of the Rings here :

( Sorry i'm french and all blind players that I know are also french, but i swear it's everywhere). You can see how he is walking against wall everywhere.

I'm in contact with him and others visually impaired players, and they told me their frustration to can't play the Skyrim masterpiece. I said that i could try to develop a mod to make skyrim blind-playable.

It needs just some sound modification to make it playable. Please tell me if they are feasible or not, i'm only a beginner in the field of modding :


  • The mandatory point who lacks in every game : The player needs to know when he hits a wall or other obstacle. Currently, our character continue to make the walk animation, and continue to make footsteep sound when moving against a wall. It seems feasible to check the speed of the character and to make a sound when the current speed = zero ?
  • Make a sound when an object is near, and make a different sound when we can interact with this object.
  • Vibrate or make a sound when the sight is on an enemy.


Please help me to make this masterpiece playable for a big big community of players !

Thanks you for your help.

Edited by tchetche
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