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Pink outline around Character at night


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At night this strange pink outline shows up around my character and anything she is holding at the time.






I do not have HDR active. I am however using the current mods.




Which also includes a High Resolution (2048x2048) texture package for HGEC, which came with an installer as opposed to me creating an OMOD for it like with everything else.


As far as system specs, I have 1.3 gigs of RAM, a Radeon X1650 Pro GPU, and running an Athlon XP 1700+ processor. My motherboard is a little outdated as it is a nForce2 model Abit NF7-S with onboard Soundstorm so I cannot update any drivers for it (I have plenty of audio problems *sad face*). Other than that all my other drivers are up to date, and I do have Oblivion patched to 1.2 (I do not own Shivering Isles).


Any way I can fix this problem?

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Do you have HDR lighting turned on?

And does this happen when you are not holding a torch or near other light sources?


I get used to get VERY intense glow effects off certian objects from strong or very close light sources, with my HDR until I installed TweakOblivion and turned on the "less intense HDR" option.


Perhaps this will help.


Good luck :thumbsup:

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Got me stumped,what spell is active in your screen?I can't quite make out the symbol.There was a

shield spell i used to use that caused an aura,of course that would only last while the spell lasted.

Strange,i know how stuff like that can really be annoying.Hope you get it ironed out...

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its a turn undead spell gandalf it shouldnt cause a aura around anything apart from undead things the other one in use is forty magicka


i think i know why its doing that i see you got a fority Magicka that will cause someone like that when the spell actives ( any self spell) it causes a light to go around the player it might be that still its really nothing to worry about by the time the spell ends it should be gone



Col John Sheppard

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