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Is there a Console Code to unbind yourself?


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I find it incredibly irritating that everyone is magically unbound while you, the dragon born (even if your still only level one, but then so are most of them at the time as well) cannot. Is there a console code to remove the binding yourself without going through like five+ minutes of playtime with your hands bound unable to go into third person?


I figured this was the best forum to post this, since console codes are little "mods" in and of themselves in the sense that your modifying your game.

And if there is no command, perhaps a mod can make a command for it.

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I'd just install Live Another Life. As someone who makes a lot of new characters, that painfully-slow opening sequence drives me nuts.


I even put a humorous reference to it in AD. Atvir has a dialogue option, "Did I ever tell you about the time..." which is a placeholder for a future dialogue branch. Eventually, you'll be able to have one-time dialogues with him in which you tell him stories about things that happened when he wasn't present. For now, though, he simply responds with, "About the time the Imperials almost cut your head off? Yes. A thousand times...". :laugh:

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Back in early November when I first got the game (having played thru previous Beth games) I created a manual save game having just got out out of Helgen. I had no mods at the time, so I generally load that game and type "ShowRaceMenu" into the console, when I want to create a new character :D
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