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Total Conversions


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Since search function did not help me, and there is no stickyed list........... tell about completed Total Conversions mods that is done for Oblivon?


And do not list up useless spam unless you know one, do not say: "Dune/Fates Edge/etc is in progress". I want done and playable Total conversions!!!!!


If i get enogh awsers i will update this topics first post and maybe a moderator will both to sticky it? Atleast it could be a complete list.

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Yeah all the TC's are in progress at the time being. And i think that the one I myself am looking forward to "Middle-Earth Role-Playing" has just recently started last year :). Lord of the Rings in Oblivion...what more can you ask for? :D. Lol.
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There are no finished total conversions since TC mods require years of consistant work, and some sort of basis which does not conflict too heavily with what is possible within Oblivion. As I mentioned in another thread, the viability of TC mods deals more with how much "special" stuff that TC needs to do anything. Dune was seen as the most promising, and actually managed to get pretty far because it didn't have many technical issues beyond just new meshes. The type of landscape, mostly baren dunes, also made creation of the basic environment easier.


Basically, if you have to code in alot of custom systems, make alot of custom meshes, the project will take alot longer, and probably never complete. This was less of an issue with Morrowind since base game meshes weren't as complicated, were more varied, and more components of the actual engine were open to modification.

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I haven't heard of any finished total conversions either.Tho it sounds to me the MERP modders

are still at it.This teaser makes me wonder what Oct 30 means at the end.Next teaser?I'm looking forward to its release.Bet you can't guess who i'd want to play... :rolleyes:


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